One to One

I specialise in teaching one to one. This is the way that yoga was originally taught (and still is) in India, and is the most effective way to bring about change. It is ideal for anyone looking for a sensitive, intelligent, individualised approach to movement, breath and personal development. These sessions are suitable for everyone, from those who assume they can’t do yoga and beginners, to those with health challenges (see Yoga Therapy), to experienced teachers who want to develop their own personal practice. Yoga offers a wealth of tools, including asana, pranayama and meditation that can be used to promote health, support healing and encourage personal transformation.

How it works
There are two different ways to approach one to one sessions and it’s entirely up to you which you prefer.

Option One would be the traditional way of working one to one. Following an initial consultation you are given your own personal practice to work with, returning at flexible intervals to the teacher for refinement and for changes to be made, as needed. After a few weekly or fortnightly visits, we meet less frequently; monthly or even every two months, as appropriate, to refine and adapt the practice.

The benefits of having a personal practice which you are able to do by yourself daily cannot be overemphasised. Practicing daily, in a way that fits in with your life, even if only for ten or fifteen minutes a day, is more beneficial than attending a class once a week, plus the practice is bespoke to you and your needs. The benefits of a stronger and more supple body and breath are quickly felt, and a habit of practice is built which can, if you want it to, develop over time into something which helps you to come to know yourself and fulfil your potential.

In the long term, one to one sessions taught this way usually work out as cheaper than attending weekly classes or paying for gym membership.

Option Two would be a more western approach whereby I visit at intervals to suit you and teach you a private class designed specifically for you at each session.

One to one sessions are charged at £55 per hour and usually take place in your home. Alternative spaces can be found if required, but hire costs will need to be taken into account.
The initial consultation usually takes around 90 minutes and sessions thereafter are usually one hour in duration.
Requests for concessions will be considered.

To request an appointment, please use the contact form. I will be in touch as soon as possible.

*Please note there is a 24 hour cancellation policy for one to one sessions. Changes and cancellations will be charged the full rate unless adequate notice is given.